Sistem Kontrol PLTA

Tujuan dari training ini adalah untuk menambah wawasan mengenai operasi dan pengendalian sistem pembangkitan listrik tenaga air. Pelatihan ditekankan pada operasi, pengendalian, proteksi dan pemeliharaan peralatan dalam sistem sehingga, setelah mengikuti training ini peserta akan dapat :

  • Meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai operasi dan pengendalian PLTA
  • Memahami karakteristik PLTA
  • Memilih peralatan dalam sistem PLTA
  • Memahami pemeliharaan dan perawatan peralatan sistem PLTA


Materi Training :

  1.  Electric power System overview
    • System overview,  Type of electric power system configuration, System representation
  2. Prime Mover
    • Types of Prime mover, Characteristic
  3. Electrical Power Generator
    • Construction and characteristics, Excitation system and AVR, paralel operation and Emergency System
  4. Hydro Power Plant Control
    • Watt Control, VAR Control, Load Sharing, Load Sedding
  5. Generator protection
    • Over Load Protection, Over/Under Excitation Protection, Unbalance Load protection, etc.
  6. Electrical Power Transformer
    • Construction, principle operation, Vector group, Transformer sizing and protection)
  7. Switchgear (System Overview, Type of Switchgear, Components, Power Buses, Operating Mechanism, Safety
    • Need for protection, Circuit breaker control circuits, Protection relay fundamentals, solid state relays, relay setting and coordination
  8. Grounding System
    • Purpose of Grounding,, Standards (National/IEEE/IEC), Grounded vs. Ungrounded, Distribution Grounding Electrodes of Lightning, Lightning Characteristics, Over Voltage Protection, Insulation Coordination
  9. Maintenance of Equipment
    • (type of maintenance, measurement and testing


Sasaran Peserta Training :

Pelatihan ini diberikan pada para tehnisi, operator maupun supervisor yang bekerja dibidang ketenaga listrikan di industri untuk menangani masalah operasi, instalasi dan pemeliharaan peralatan system tenaga listrik.

Instruktur :

Ir. Hasan Surya, MT. 

Was graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) for Bachelor and Master program at Electrical Engineering department. Since 1985 till now Ir. Hasan Surya is lecturer at electrical engineering Polytechnique ITB (POLBAN) and he is a head of department at electrical engineering. Ir. Hasan Surya have delivered some training topics related to his major expertise formany companies in Indonesia. Ir. Hasan Surya have been researching in electrical engineering and becoming speaker for some conference. Ir. Hasan Surya has also worked for some companies or institution so he has got much real experiences and now he is ready to share his knowledge and experiences to industrial world throught training class.

Jadwal & Investment :

TempatTanggalInvestment (Online)Investment (Offline)
Bandung7 - 10 Januari 20255.000.0007.000.000
Bandung25 - 28 Februari 20255.000.0007.000.000
Bandung8 - 11 April 20255.000.0007.000.000
Bandung6 - 9 Mei 20255.000.0007.000.000
Bandung23 26 Juni 20255.000.0007.000.000
Bandung22 - 25 Juli 20255.000.0007.000.000
Bandung26 - 29 Agustus 20255.000.0007.000.000
Bandung23 - 26 September 20255.000.0007.000.000
Bandung28 - 31 Oktober 20255.000.0007.000.000
Bandung25 - 28 November 20255.000.0007.000.000
Bandung2 - 5 Desember 20255.000.0007.000.000

Catatan: Permintaan tanggal khusus bisa disesuaikan berdasarkan syarat  dan ketentuan yang berlaku.

Durasi Training :  4 hari

Offline Training Termasuk :

  1. Materi hand-Out
  2. Softcopy materi (Flash disk)
  3. Sertifikat
  4. ATK (NoteBook dan Ballpoint)
  5. Tas kerja 3in1
  6. Foto Training
  7. Meeting room di hotel berbintang
  8. Lunch dan 2x coffee break

Online Training Termasuk :

  1. Materi hand-Out (soft copy)
  2. Sertifikat


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