Perhitungan BBM dengan metode ASTM dan Gas dengan metode AGA

In order for participants to understand the techniques of flow measurement, tool selection measure, how  troubleshooting  and inspection techniques

Material Training :

  1. Introduction of Objective Measurement
    • Forms of measurement: mass flow, energy
    • The use of the element / sensor / detector
    • System unit used to measure the flow
    • The law of conservation of mass and energy
  2. Application of the law of conservation of energy and mass conservation laws on the  flow measuring   devices:
    • Positive displacement
    • Orifice
    • Nozzle
    • Pitot
    • Ventury
    • Turbine
  3. ASTM & AGA Standard
    • AGA flow calculations in tables
    • Flow calculations
    • The introduction of the positive displacement meter and turbine meter unit
    • Positive displacement meter and  turbine meters installations
  4. Equipment for Meter Prover
    • Calibration meter prover
    • The general form of measurement system
    • Character gauge
    • Analysis of measurement data
  5. The Working Principle of The Transmitter
    • Calibration of pressure transmitters, differential pressure
    • Calibration of temperature transmitter
    • Common errors in the calibration

Who Should Participate :

Engineer & Operator

Trainer :


Alumni dari teknik mesin ITB dan teknik material ITB untuk program magister. Beliau pernah menjadi dosen di Politeknik ITB/POLBAN dan sekarang Beliau menjadi dosen di jurusan teknik di universitas Pasundan, Bandung. Beliau memiliki pengalaman lapangan praktis sebagai mechanical engineer ketika beliau bekerja, seperti di IPTN, PINDAD, dan PAL. Ir. Syahbardia,MT. sudah sering menjadi instruktur di training-training industri untuk perusahaan-perusahaan di Indonesia. Diantara judul-judul yang Beliau sampaikan adalah Predictive and Preventive Pump Maintenance, Compressor Characteristic Maintenance & Troubleshooting, Rotary Equipment Maintenance, Lubrication, Operation, Maintenance and Trouble Shooting, Materials Selection and Knowledge for Engineers, Centrifugal Compresor & Steam Turbine Performance, Welding Inspection, Turbine & Generator Operation, Boiler Water Treatment, Pump Operation and Maintenance, Electrical Motor Control System, Corrosion and Cathodic Protection, Fluid Flow Measurement, Generator Preventive Maintenance, Heavy Equipment Management, Preventive and Predictive Maintenance, dan lain-lain

Jadwal & Investment :

TempatTanggalInvestment (Online)Investment (Offline)

Catatan: Permintaan tanggal khusus bisa disesuaikan berdasarkan syarat  dan ketentuan yang berlaku.

Durasi Training :  4 hari

Offline Training Termasuk :

  1. Materi hand-Out
  2. Softcopy materi (Flash disk)
  3. Sertifikat
  4. ATK (NoteBook dan Ballpoint)
  5. Tas kerja 3in1
  6. Foto Training
  7. Meeting room di hotel berbintang
  8. Lunch dan 2x coffee break

Online Training Termasuk :

  1. Materi hand-Out (soft copy)
  2. Sertifikat


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