Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)

The course is comprised of combined classroom instruction and workshop exercises. The instructor focuses on critical documentation, such as P&ID, PFD, Plot Plan, Electrical Area Classification, Piping Drawing, Isometric Drawing, Line List, Tie-In List and Shutdown Keys essential for safe day to day operation of facilities. Accurate drawings are a requirement for the analysis of emergency situations and the assessment of safety, environmental and regulatory compliance issues. Covers the principle of piping and instrument diagram. Also provides the reference standard developed by ISA S5.1 to 5 series and part of API 14C. Practice for reading and understanding the diagram.

Material Training :

  1. Introduction
    • Objectives, What are P&IDs?, Why are P&IDs important?, Who uses P&IDs?
  1. Information on a Typical P&ID
    • Kinds of information, The title block, The main Drawing, Line Schedule, Description, Zone numbers
  1. ISA S5.1 P&ID
    • Overview, Standard, Symbol, Instrument Loop Diagram
  1. Instruments
    • Instrument and Control Loop, Instrument Identification, Identifying functions
  1. Line Designations
    • Piping, Example Line Label, Tracing and Insulation, Instrument Lines
  1. Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
  2. Process Topology, Stream information, Equipment Information
  3. Tracing Process Flow
    • Identifying where process begins and stops, Tracing a process stream
  1. Control Process Operation
    • Control Loops, Function of Instrument in Control Loop
  1. Logic Systems
    • Basics Process Control, Alarm, Interlocks
  1. Interpreting and Understanding P&ID
    • Principles of particular processes, Understanding the P&ID, Knowing safety in the P&ID

Who Should Attend :

The course is intended for Piping engineers, mechanical engineers, maintenance engineers & supervisors, Service engineers & supervisors, technicians and inspectors responsible for the design, work over engineers & supervisors, plant Engineers and Petroleum Engineers.

Trainer :  Team Trainer FEI Training

Jadwal & Investment :

TempatTanggalInvestment (Online)Investment (Offline)
Bandung7 - 9 Januari 20254.500.0006.000.000
Bandung25 - 27 Februari 20254.500.0006.000.000
Bandung28 - 30 April 20254.500.0006.000.000
Bandung26 - 28 Mei 20254.500.0006.000.000
Bandung24 - 26 Juni 20254.500.0006.000.000
Bandung22 - 24 Juli 20254.500.0006.000.000
Bandung26 - 28 Agustus 20254.500.0006.000.000
Bandung23 - 25 September 20254.500.0006.000.000
Bandung21 - 23 Oktober 20254.500.0006.000.000
Bandung25 - 27 November 20254.500.0006.000.000
Bandung22 - 24 Desember 20254.500.0006.000.000

Catatan : Permintaan tanggal khusus bisa disesuaikan berdasarkan syarat  dan ketentuan yang berlaku

Durasi Training :  3 hari

Biaya ini Termasuk :

  1. Materi pelatihan (Hard Copy)
  2. Meeting room di hotel berbintang
  3. Lunch dan 2x coffee break
  4. Flash disk materi (Soft copy)
  5. ATK ( Blocknote dan Pulpen)
  6. Tas Training
  7. Sertifikat Pelatihan
  8. Dokumentasi (Foto Kegiatan)
  9. PPH Pasal 23 sebesar 2%.

Biaya ini Belum Termasuk :

  1. Akomodasi Menginap Peserta
  2. Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) sebesar 11%


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