Material Knowledge

The participant will get knowledge and experience gained about materials management and specification of oil & gas drilling and production operations and other related aspect. And than to propose economically feasible strategies of optimizing the drilling and production and operating conditions with enhance the material and specification management of above process. After completing to this program the participant will get knowledge and understanding of drilling and production materials and specification for support drilling and production operation

Outline  :

Day 01Drilling and Production Engineering Overview

  • Overview of Drilling System and Operations
  • Overview of Production System and Method

Drilling Equipment and Specification

  • Hoisting system, equipment, function & characteristic
  • Circulating & Rotary system, equipment and standardization
  • Power system
  • BOP system & equipment
  • Instrumentation and new technology

Production Equipment and Specification

  • Well completion equipment & characteristic
  • Production equipment & characteristic
  • Gathering & treating system, Equipment and characteristic
  • Problems of material requirement in production operation and solution
Day 02Purchasing Management.

  • Objectives of Purchasing Management.
  • Purchasing strategy & approach
  • Purchasing process
  • Vendor Portfolio.
  • Technique to selecting qualified vendors Strategic Material Management & Control

Strategic Material Management & Control

  • Supply cycle & response cycle
  • Material management function & control Stock Replenishment for General Materials and SpareParts

Stock Replenishment for General Materials and SpareParts

  • Inventory contrlol models
Day 03Stock Replenishment for Spare Parts

  • Classification of spare parts
  • Selection of spare parts
  • Spare parts data & standardization

JIT (just-in-Time) Inventory management

  • JIT Economic Order Quantity Calculation.
  • Exercise.

Purchasing management Improvement and Contract Development.

  • Process Reengineering of Purchasing Management System.
  • Contract Development.

Training Method  :

  • Lecturing and Class room session and Case Study
  • Interactive sharing information and experience
  • Group discussion, question and answer session

Who Should attend  :

  • Material and Logistic Personnel
  • Procurement & Purchasing Department Staff
  • Inventory & Warehouse Personnel
  • Drilling Support
  • Operation Personnel
  • Any person who wish to enhance knowledge of above subject

Instructor :

Ir. Syahbardia, MT. dan Tim

Ir. SYAHBARDIA, MT. alumni dari teknik mesin Institut teknologi Bandung, ITB (sarjana), dan teknik material ITB untuk program magister. Beliau pernah menjadi dosen di Politeknik ITB/POLBAN dan sekarang Beliau menjadi dosen di jurusan teknik di universitas Pasundan, Bandung. Beliau memiliki pengalaman lapangan praktis sebagai mechanical engineer ketika beliau bekerja, seperti di IPTN, PINDAD, dan PAL. Ir. Syahbardia,MT. sudah sering menjadi instruktur di training-training industri untuk perusahaan-perusahaan di Indonesia. Diantara judul-judul yang Beliau sampaikan adalah Predictive and Preventive Pump Maintenance, Compressor Characteristic Maintenance & Troubleshooting, Rotary Equipment Maintenance, Lubrication, Operation, Maintenance and Trouble Shooting, Materials Selection and Knowledge for Engineers, Centrifugal Compresor & Steam Turbine Performance, Welding Inspection, Turbine & Generator Operation, Boiler Water Treatment, Pump Operation and Maintenance, Electrical Motor Control System, Corrosion and Cathodic Protection, Fluid Flow Measurement, Generator Preventive Maintenance, Heavy Equipment Management, Preventive and Predictive Maintenance, dan lain-lain.

Jadwal & Investment :

TempatTanggalInvestment (Online)Investment (Offline)
Bandung23-25 Januari 20244.500.0006.000.000
Bandung21-23 Februari 20244.500.0006.000.000
Bandung22-24 April 20244.500.0006.000.000
Bandung27-29 Mei 20244.500.0006.000.000
Bandung24-26 Juni 20244.500.0006.000.000
Bandung23-25 Juli 20244.500.0006.000.000
Bandung26-28 Agustus 20244.500.0006.000.000
Bandung23-25 September 20244.500.0006.000.000
Bandung22-24 Oktober 20244.500.0006.000.000
Bandung25-27 November 20244.500.0006.000.000
Bandung16-18 Desember 20244.500.0006.000.000

Catatan: Permintaan tanggal khusus bisa disesuaikan berdasarkan syarat  dan ketentuan yang berlaku.

Durasi Training :  3 hari

Offline Training Termasuk :

  1. Materi hand-Out
  2. Softcopy materi (Flash disk)
  3. Sertifikat
  4. ATK (NoteBook dan Ballpoint)
  5. Tas kerja 3in1
  6. Foto Training
  7. Meeting room di hotel berbintang
  8. Lunch dan 2x coffee break

Online Training Termasuk :

  1. Materi hand-Out (soft copy)
  2. Sertifikat


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